Today was our second free surf lesson of the summer, sponsored by Roxy. We had an amazing turnout and the stoke level was running high with this eager group of future surfers. Putting on these free surf lessons is always such an awesome time and we honestly love doing it. We provide the boards and recruit some of the Maui Nix employees to coach the kids into scoring wave after wave. The brains behind the whole operation is our very own Maui Nix General Manager, Bryan Smith. He had a vision that was very simple and straightforward which was to get kids surfing that have never tried the sport. We hope to inspire these families to invest in surfing and all the great things that come with this lifestyle. Our Original Location, located in the heart of Daytona Beach has a fully stocked surf section. We carry a wide variety of boards for all experience levels. We pride ourselves in carrying some of the best surf apparel brands on the market such as Volcom, Quiksilver, Billabong, Hurley, RVCA, O’Neill, Rip Curl and more. Maui Nix was started with one goal in mind, provide our local surf community with all the items they need to stay in the water as much as possible. We have several locations in Florida ( CLICK HERE TO FIND THE CLOSEST LOCATION TO YOU) and we offer some of these products on our website Do you want to make sure that you never miss a thing? Follow us on Instagram @Mauinix and like us on Facebook!